Tuesday, August 16, 2011

27 Weeks

How am I already 27 weeks?!
This last week I started getting shin splints which have been AWFUL and totally messed up my work outs. They hurt. I've been icing them and wrapping my ankles, and seriously hoping that they get better asap. Grrrrr.  Also, baby seems to have moved up higher, I swear I can feel her up in my ribs now! And she is moving a ton, you can feel her shifting and rolling around. I feel hard little body parts, I can't tell what the parts are but they are there! Ahhh! Excited that I got out of taking my glucose test, Dr. Martinez allowed me to just do a blood test without the nasty juice instead. So glad!

Week 27

Due Date: November 6, 2011

How Big is Baby: Peanut is the size of an eggplant!

Morning Sickness/Symptoms: A little bit of back pain here and there and the stupid shin splints. Other than that, I just have to pee ALL THE TIME. I literally go to the gym, run for 10 minutes, and then walk back home to pee again before I can finish my workout. Baby girl likes to sit on my bladder and use it for a bounce house.
Cravings: Nothing really-besides coconut water and kombucha. I do however find that anything that someone talks about makes me want that particular food-ahh the power of suggestion.

Sleep: Sleeping ok, not terrible but not great. I'm more and more uncomfortable so I sort of roll about in bed and am less and less comfy.

I Can't Live Without: Coconut water, my ice packs for my back/shin splints.

I Miss: Feeling comfy when I am sitting-I feel like baby girl is all the way up in my rib cage and like I can't bend at all at the waist because she is in the way.

I am Looking Forward to: My belly being empty and not having to pee every moment of every day.

Milestones: Baby girl's brain is starting to show activity! This means that she can dream, and have "thoughts". Crazy!

Exercise: Walking and the elliptical for an hour a day-trying not to run unfortunately until the stupid shin splints are better.

Belly Button: Definitely getting shallower (I finally gave up and took out my belly ring) and my belly button officially looks like a cat butt, but it hasn't popped! I'm sort of hoping it won't, but we will see. 

Stretch Marks: None yet! Fingers crossed that I can get through without them!

Movement: TONS-I feel her moving so much, and she makes my stomach feel like it's stretching when she rolls around in there.

Weight gain: 4 pounds.

Baby Shower up North

My aunt threw a baby shower for us this week up North! It was so sweet of her, and we had a great time!

24 week Update

I just can't believe how fast time is flying by! This is viability week for our little bug, which means that if (god forbid) she were born right now, she would be able to survive outside the womb (with LOTS of help from doctors and a long time in the NICU, of course). That being said, we definitely don't want her to come yet! She needs lots more time to bake.

24 weeks and 4 days!

Week 24

Due Date: November 6, 2011

How Big is Baby: Our bug is the size of a papaya
Morning Sickness/Symptoms: No morning sickness, but my leg cramps are awful. I get them in the middle of the night and they are crazy! I hate charlie horses with a passion. I think that they are related to dehydration so I try to make sure to drink tons of water.

Cravings: None!

Sleep: Sleeping well, I had one night that I woke up a few times and ended up on the couch for like 20 minutes because it seemed like it would be more comfortable than my bed, but I think I was just adjusting to my growing belly, and I seem to have adjusted because I'm back to sleeping well.

I Can't Live Without: Kale, Kombucha, and coconut water.

I Miss: Being able to bend over easily and working out hard.

I am Looking Forward to: Sushi (of course), and holding baby!!

Milestones:Baby's skin is getting more pink!

Exercise: My running and walking every day, still up about 3 pounds.

Movement: Tons! She is one busy little girl. You can now see my stomach move when she kicks, it literally shakes when she is punching hard! A little like an alien, but still awesome.

22 Weeks

Baby girl is soo incredibly active now! It's amazing what a difference just two weeks makes. Chase can feel her little kicks, and it melts my heart. He loves talking to her and telling her to kick his hands. I feel good, no cravings and plenty of energy.  Besides the occasional kicks from baby, I often feel like I did before I got pregnant. I hope it stays that way for as long as possible!  
Baby bump is growing! 22 weeks and 4 days :)

Week 22

Due Date: November 6, 2011

How Big is Baby: Peanut is the size of a papaya! 

Morning Sickness/Symptoms: No morning sickness thank god that part is in the past! Not many symptoms either, and thanks to being able to stay in the gym I'm up about 3 pounds from my pre-preg weight!

Cravings: None really, eating all the things I used to. I tend to eat a lot of Kale with tomato sauce (YUM) and I love olives and capers.

Sleep: Sleeping well, sometimes I notice I'm a little less comfortable because of my belly but in general sleep is good.

I Can't Live Without: The gym-I NEED to be able to decompress after a day at work.

I Miss: Sushi, my clothes fitting the way they used to.

I am Looking Forward to: Sleeping on my tummy.

Milestones: Her eyes and lips are more developed, and she is sleeping in cycles like a newborn!

Awkward Moments: Nada!

Exercise: Running and walking for an hour a day-I try to do about 4 1/2 miles or so, and dance class!

Movement: Kicks and punches, baby girl loves her dance parties!

Gender: A tiny little woman :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

20 weeks-Anatomy Scan!

We had our anatomy scan on Monday. I was nervous (of course), and wanted to make sure that everything was looking good.  Little girl was moving all over the place! The most difficult part of the scan was the fact that I had to have a full bladder-I literally thought that I was going to pee my pants!

19 weeks-My birthday!!

We are going to Utah this week to visit Chase's family, and it's my birthday on Friday!

18 weeks-Lots of kicks!

I am amazed that we are almost to the halfway mark, it seems like everything has just gone by so fast! Our little lady has been very VERY active, she kicks more and more every day, and the kicks are getting stronger! I can't wait for Chase to be able to feel them from the outside.  We are still working on names, but nothing has been set.  Here is a 18 week bump update!
Still not much there-but my pants are definitely tighter!

16 weeks-It's a.......

GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!! And a beautiful, perfect little princess at that! She was blowing kisses on the ultrasound, and very shy.  It took doctor Martinez a long time to get her to show off the goods (glad that we have a patient doc), but after about 5 minutes, she got a good shot and said "Looks like a little girl!" Chase and I both got teary eyed-knowing that we were having a little lady made everything feel so much more real! Now we have to start working on names!

15 weeks-Movement?

I think that I felt baby kicking today-feels like little butterflies in my stomach! So excited for next week, we get to find out if baby is a boy or a girl! I can't wait!

14 weeks

We are officially out of the first trimester and into the second! I can't believe it-and I couldn't be happier because I am feeling SO MUCH better! I am back in the gym and dance class, and can eat actual food without wanting to throw up 24/7! I even took my first "baby bump" picture, although there isn't much there yet. Please excuse my facial expression, it was early and I was tired! I need to get Chase to start taking pictures of the belly at home.  

12 weeks and an NT Scan

Can't believe how fast time has gone by! We are almost done with the first trimester, and it just blows my mind.  I am still feeling sick, but I think that it is definitely getting better. We had our NT scan this week to check baby for Down's Syndrome, Trisomy-18, and other genetic disorders (they check the fluid at the back of the baby's neck and do a blood test on mommy).  I was nervous but Peanut looked great! All measurements and blood tests came back normal, although Peanut was not cooperative at all.  The doctor had such a hard time getting the measurements that she had me go walk in the hall for 40 minutes while she took another patient! By that time Peanut had re-adjusted and we got all of the measurements done.  Here are some pics of our little babe from the ultrasound!
Our little babe was sleeping comfortably

Tiny little hands!

Profile shot

Week 12

Due Date: November 6, 2011

How Big is Baby: Peanut is the size of plum!

Morning Sickness/Symptoms: It's finally starting to ease up! I still feel really tired and have some heartburn, but the nausea is clearly better than it was before!

Cravings: Salad! Finally I am wanting veggies again! My favorite salad to make at the moment is iceburg lettuce with tomatoes, dill, and cucmbers with a light asian vinagrette.  Still eating potatoes too-I like tator tots as well. 

Sleep: I have more energy, I am still tired  but it's getting better!

I Can't Live Without: Salad!!

I Miss: SUSHI-I would kill for some raw tuna.

I am Looking Forward to: Eating said sushi!

Milestones: Baby's arms and legs are emerging and joints are starting to form!  

Awkward Moments: Hmmmm

Exercise: Going to dance class and back in thy gym! Mostly walking but starting to run again too!

Movement: None.

Gender: No idea!

Telling the Fam!

Every year we go to visit my family for Passover, and we were so excited to tell everyone about Peanut.  Chase was especially excited because he had been working so hard to keep it a secret-I have definitely been more shy about telling people.  For Oma and Opa we made a card with Peanut's ultrasound shots, and I totally cried like a baby when they opened it.  Everyone was so excited for us, it was great getting to tell all of the family!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Week 10-Prunes and an Ultrasound!

We had our 10 week ultrasound today, and boy has baby made progress since we saw him/her last!! Our checkup was over a month ago when we were 6 weeks, and between that time and now baby went from being a tiny little bean with a heartbeat to what looks like a real baby! Peanut was moving all over the place and very active, we even got a spread eagle shot at one point- although it's way too early to know if Peanut is a boy or a girl.  I totally got teary seeing our little one-and just can't believe how much progress our babe is making!

Our little babe has a HUGE head right now!
Waving at mom and dad!

Spread eagle and showing off the goods-someone isn't shy!

Sleeping-you can see the jaw bone and spine

Due Date: November 6, 2011

How Big is Baby: Peanut is the size of a prune (but not nearly as wrinkly)!

Morning Sickness/Symptoms: Still sick all the time, but hoping that soon I will be on my way to feeling better!

Cravings: Baked potatoes-and bread because I can keep it down.

Sleep: Still super tired, but I don't need naps all the time anymore. I usually get tired around 2:00 but then I have decent energy at night!

I Can't Live Without: Ice chips-so comforting when I am nauseous.

I Miss:
Going to the gym! I'm starting to get antsy, time to get back in gear!

I am Looking Forward to: Our NT scan in a few weeks-I just love getting to see Peanut!

Milestones: With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress.  Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working (soon legs will start working too).

Awkward Moments:
 None except for when a lady from our meeting asked if I was pregnant-which was VERY awkward because we haven't told ANYONE yet! She said that she could tell because I looked sick the last few weeks.

Exercise: Dance class, and some light cardio in the gym.

Movement: None that I can feel, although baby is moving around!

Gender: No clue!

Labor Signs: Nope!

Week 8-Raspberries

Week 8

Due Date: November 6, 2011

How Big is Baby: Peanut is the size of a raspberry!

Morning Sickness/Symptoms: All the time, day and night. 

Cravings: Ew food :(

Sleep: Exhausted! I could sleep all day!

I Can't Live Without: Nausea meds and the knowledge that I am going to be getting a perfect little baby so it makes this miserable period worth it. 

I Miss: Wanting to eat and not feeling sick.

I am Looking Forward to: My 2nd trimester!

Milestones: Baby is growing like mad, putting on about a millimeter every day and continuing to straighten out in the trunk. Though you can't feel it yet, baby is moving those little arms, legs, and (now only slightly) webbed fingers and toes like crazy.

Awkward Moments: Does almost puking in my car a few times count?

Exercise: Monday night dance class, no gym still for me!

Movement: Nope!

Gender: No idea.

Labor Signs: No!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Week 7-So Sick!

I don't have much in the way of updates, I have been feeling so sick lately that all I do is go to work, come home, and sleep! Poor Chase, I haven't been able to look at food let alone cook it, so he has been on his own food wise; pretty sure he is living off of Chipotle and McDonalds! Sometimes I have moments where something sort of sounds good, and he is so great about going out to grab it for me no matter what time it is! I find that broth is easy to get down, and that potatoes are still a go-to food.  Veggies (which I normally can't get enough of) totally gross me out. I can't wait for the day that a salad sounds appealing again!

Week 7

Due Date: November 6, 2011

How Big is Baby: Peanut is the size of blueberry!

Morning Sickness/Symptoms: You bet. I wish that I could sleep through the first few months and get to my second tri! I can't wait to feel better, pretty miserable!

Cravings: None. Just thinking about food makes me want to puke. 

Sleep: TIRED!! I come home and take a nap each day after work, and right around 2:00 I need to rest at work too or I feel like I am going to fall asleep!

I Can't Live Without: My nausea meds and bubbly water. Helps to sooth my tummy.

I Miss: Feeling "normal"

I am Looking Forward to: Feeling better!

Milestones: Baby's arms and legs are emerging and joints are starting to form!  
Awkward Moments: None this week haha.

Exercise: Went to dance class once this week, but was too sick the rest of the week to get to class or the gym :(

Movement: Nope!

Gender: No idea!

Labor Signs: No!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 6-a Heartbeat and a Bean

The waiting time in between appointments is the worst, I always want to know that baby is ok and that everything is going right.  When the day came for our next appointment I was so worried that something might have gone wrong or that baby was not growing right, thank goodness that Chase is always so optimistic and good at keeping me calm.  My morning sickness had quickly turned into all-day-and-all-night sickness, so  I was eager to see my doctor and find out if there was anything she could suggest because I was way too sick to function.  We got to our doctor's and nervously waited to be called back, and finally made it into the room.  The doctor turned on the ultrasound machine, and there was our tiny little babe!!!! We got to see and hear the heartbeat (so fast and loud!) and I instantly fell in love. She dated the pregnancy at 6 weeks 5 days and gave us a due date of November 6! It finally started to feel real that we were going to be parents. On another happy note, my doctor prescribed Zofran to help with the vomiting and reminded me that lots of morning sickness equals a healthy babe.

 Our tiny little peanut!

Peanut's heartbeat

Week 6

Due Date: November 6, 2011

How Big is Baby: Peanut is the size of a sweet pea!

Morning Sickness/Symptoms: Sick allllll day and night, in fact it seems to be worse at night.  I can't stand the smell of anything cooking, which means poor Chase is not being fed very well. 

Cravings: None, food is pretty much my nemesis at this point.  The only stuff I can seem to get down is Campbell's vegetable soup and potatoes.

Sleep: No changes in my sleep except that I seem to be waking up earlier on my own, which is totally unusual for me!

I Can't Live Without: Sleep.

I Miss: Having energy and not feeling like I am going to puke at any moment!

I am Looking Forward to: Finding out if peanut is a boy or a girl!

Milestones: Hmmm....well, per TheBump.com, baby is growing a ton and starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, and chin. The little hands and feet are still webbed but might start moving by the end of this week, and the heart is beating almost twice as fast as mine, circulating blood.

Awkward Moments: I burped twice during a meeting at work. Quite awkward.

Exercise: None right now, too sick. I miss the gym!

Movement: Nada, little peanut is far too small for this!

Gender: No idea-Chase thinks boy but I couldn't even venture a guess either way at this point!

Labor Signs: Goodness no!

Holy Morningsickness Batman

Our doctor wanted to schedule a second appointment for 10 days after our first ultrasound to check on the progress of our baby-to-be, and to attempt to date the pregnancy so we would have a due date. That morning I was brushing my teeth when all of a sudden I found myself hugging the toilet! I had heard about morning sickness but you never really believe anything until you experience it and boy does it suck. On a much happier note, at our appointment we were able to see that a yolk sack had developed within the tiny hole, which the doctor said was a great sign! She scheduled another checkup for 10 days later.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First Ultrasound

Once we got our positive test, it was time to make a doctor appointment and figure out how far along I was.  When we went to the doctor, she said it was so early in the pregnancy that she couldn't tell us a due date yet, but we did get an ultrasound picture! The only thing we could see was a tiny little hole in the uterus. Of course I was disappointed because I wanted to know when our little babe was going to arrive, but the picture was neat. We were scheduled to come back in 10 days and check again.
Nothing yet, just a tiny hole!  
I also got to have lots of blood tests to check all my levels, 17 vials to be exact!