Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 6-a Heartbeat and a Bean

The waiting time in between appointments is the worst, I always want to know that baby is ok and that everything is going right.  When the day came for our next appointment I was so worried that something might have gone wrong or that baby was not growing right, thank goodness that Chase is always so optimistic and good at keeping me calm.  My morning sickness had quickly turned into all-day-and-all-night sickness, so  I was eager to see my doctor and find out if there was anything she could suggest because I was way too sick to function.  We got to our doctor's and nervously waited to be called back, and finally made it into the room.  The doctor turned on the ultrasound machine, and there was our tiny little babe!!!! We got to see and hear the heartbeat (so fast and loud!) and I instantly fell in love. She dated the pregnancy at 6 weeks 5 days and gave us a due date of November 6! It finally started to feel real that we were going to be parents. On another happy note, my doctor prescribed Zofran to help with the vomiting and reminded me that lots of morning sickness equals a healthy babe.

 Our tiny little peanut!

Peanut's heartbeat

Week 6

Due Date: November 6, 2011

How Big is Baby: Peanut is the size of a sweet pea!

Morning Sickness/Symptoms: Sick allllll day and night, in fact it seems to be worse at night.  I can't stand the smell of anything cooking, which means poor Chase is not being fed very well. 

Cravings: None, food is pretty much my nemesis at this point.  The only stuff I can seem to get down is Campbell's vegetable soup and potatoes.

Sleep: No changes in my sleep except that I seem to be waking up earlier on my own, which is totally unusual for me!

I Can't Live Without: Sleep.

I Miss: Having energy and not feeling like I am going to puke at any moment!

I am Looking Forward to: Finding out if peanut is a boy or a girl!

Milestones: Hmmm....well, per, baby is growing a ton and starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, and chin. The little hands and feet are still webbed but might start moving by the end of this week, and the heart is beating almost twice as fast as mine, circulating blood.

Awkward Moments: I burped twice during a meeting at work. Quite awkward.

Exercise: None right now, too sick. I miss the gym!

Movement: Nada, little peanut is far too small for this!

Gender: No idea-Chase thinks boy but I couldn't even venture a guess either way at this point!

Labor Signs: Goodness no!

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